Cooperation Brazil, Europe, North America Present and Future Perspectives (26.11)

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The main objective of the event is to explore possibilities for strengthening judicial cooperation between the National High Court of Brazil (STJ) and Europe and North America Apex Courts, as well as to raise awareness regarding the work developed by the STJ.
Globally, countries have been experiencing different types of trends and subject to legal challenges. International trade and capital influxes, as well as the movement of people, can impact national economies and societies; the environment has been affected in many aspects, such as climate crisis, loss of biodiversity and pollution; transnational organized crime can pose threats to national security policies. Other developments with legal repercussions are also taking place: energy transition; new technologies and Artificial Intelligence; the growing need for social and affirmative action programs.
Under those circumstances, judicial systems will play an important role, mediating possible conflicts and implementing statutory and international law. In order to achieve those goals, Apex Courts should rely on international cooperation and judicial dialogue as a common strategy to ensure the protection of human rights and the rule of law, the fight against environment degradation and the facilitation of access to justice, among other existential challenges.
9:30 Opening remarks
Justice Antonio Herman Benjamin, Chief Justice, National High Court of Brazil
Ambassador Maria Luisa Escorel, Secretary for Europe and North America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Marian Schuegraf, Delegation of the European Union to Brazil
Moderator: Justice Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, National High Court of Brazil
10:45 Discussion with Ambassadors
11:30 Closing

Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ)

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